Friday, February 5, 2010

Male Genital Piercing Ottawa Male Genital Piercing Placement?

Male genital piercing placement? - male genital piercing ottawa

I waited for a piercing on my penis yet received a while. Who knows, if you can use the top-right axis around one centimeter to trade above the pubic bone? If so, someone has the exact name of this piercing?


Angel said...

When you talk about a hole in the elastic tissue of the tree, which would be a hole in the brake. The "traditional" cash is a brake on the underside of the penis, just below the confluence of the body and the glans, but a brake can be applied anywhere on the skin is soft. They are usually holes in the horizon, possible in May, despite the vertical placement.

To learn more about the genitals (and piercings) to learn to see "The Piercing Bible - The Definitive Guide to Safe Body Piercing" (Random House, May 2009). It describes the time of healing, the size of the finest jewelry and style starting with mutual considerations, and many other information about the aftercare, as you choose a qualified driller, troubleshooting and more.

Bradly said...

Yes you can, no, I know his name, but I can see

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